This submission focuses on those parts of the bill which; excludes the hierarchy of obligations contained in the National Policy...

Climate change is a global, not a local, phenomenon and climate change mitigation requires a global approach. Acknowledging that a...

Straterra acknowledges the international imperative to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and we support New Zealand’s target of net-zero emissions by...

Straterra supports the Companies (Address Information) Amendment Bill (the bill) in principle and recommend it proceeds to the next stage,...

Straterra supports the intent of the Fast-Track Approvals Bill. It is a necessary disrupter.

The finalisation of the Future Proof Strategy should be delayed until there is more certainty from the Government regarding the...

Straterra is the industry association representing the New Zealand minerals and mining sector. Our membership is comprised of mining companies,...

We welcome the opportunity to comment on the Government ‘s consultation on advancing New Zealand’s energy transition and in particular...

This submission comments on the discussion document and provides some comments on what a biodiversity credit system might look at,...

Straterra is the industry association representing the New Zealand minerals and mining sector (including coal). Our membership is comprised of...

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