Straterra issues media releases and opinion pieces to highlight the valuable role mining plays in New Zealand with positive social, environmental and economic benefits.
Any media or commentators who need information can contact us.
A water management engineer and an alluvial gold assistant mine manager, both from the South Island’s West Coast; a Waihi principal metallurgist; and a health and wellbeing manager from Blenheim are the four winners of the mining and quarrying industry awards presented in Christchurch today. Straterra, AQA, and MinEx hosted the Komatsu New Zealand Women in Extractives lunch and awards...
The mining industry is encouraged to see Conservation Minister Tama Potaka say he aims to lower costs to businesses as the Department of Conservation (DoC) looks to modernise its processes, says Straterra chief executive Josie Vidal. "In our submission on the discussion document Modernising conservation land management we note this important point, outlined in the foreword as one of the...
Miners are celebrating the Government’s support for growing mining’s contribution to the economy with the release of a minerals strategy and critical minerals list today, says Straterra chief executive Josie Vidal. “The Government is listening, so this is a good day – not just for miners, but also all the businesses that make mining possible, including those producing mining equipment,...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon correctly identified the bigger role mining can play in New Zealand’s economic growth in his State of the Nation speech today, says Straterra chief executive Josie Vidal. "It is great to see this Government listening to the mining sector and showing a clear understanding of its value to the economy in terms of jobs and investment...
New Zealand loves to regulate but it doesn’t always get it right and mistakes are costly, so Straterra welcomes discussion on a Regulatory Standards Bill, says chief executive Josie Vidal. “There has been some handwringing over this proposed bill but the purpose of the discussion document we have submitted on, is to thrash out how we can improve the quality...
Straterra welcomes the Coalition Government’s proposed changes to the Overseas Investment Act, says chief executive Josie Vidal. "Mining is very capital intensive so overseas investment is particularly important to the New Zealand mining sector as a provider of capital that just isn’t available here, as well as in providing access to new expertise, technology, and links to global distribution chains,"...
Today’s release of the first projects for the fast-track list acknowledges the regional and national significance of mining, says Straterra chief executive Josie Vidal. “At a time when manufacturing and processing plants are closing in the regions, mining brings much needed jobs and money into regional communities, and exports to boost our trade deficit. Mining belongs on the fast-track list,”...
Today’s release of the draft critical minerals list cements the valuable role of mining in New Zealand, says Straterra chief executive, Josie Vidal. "Included on the list are minerals that, in addition to the minerals we already mine, will be used around the world to build technology, and support a clean energy transition," Vidal says. "Mining some of them in...
A government minerals strategy is a great first step to recognising and promoting the importance of mined minerals for a sustainable future, says Straterra chief executive, Josie Vidal. "Straterra has given detailed feedback on A Draft Minerals Strategy for New Zealand to 2040 to help inform the final strategy which will be pivotal for the mining industry," Vidal says. "We...
A clumsy attempt to stop coal mining in the face of continuing demand should be eliminated in the Government’s first bill to fix the Resource Management Act (RMA), says Straterra chief executive, Josie Vidal. “In our submission on the Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill we support aligning the consenting pathway for coal mining with other mineral extraction,...
The notion that the Fast-track Approvals Bill somehow paves the way to destroy the environment, with vast swathes of the countryside turned into mines, is way off track, says Straterra chief executive, Josie Vidal. “Let’s be clear about that in an environment of misrepresentation of what mining means. A protest banner does not the truth make,” Vidal says. Today Straterra...
Doubling mining’s export value to $2 billion over the next 10 years is a great goal, says Straterra chief executive, Josie Vidal. “It is a relief to see the draft strategy announced by the Government today that will set clear, and hopefully enduring, policy to allow New Zealand to fully contribute to the global supply chain of minerals that are...
It’s time for a disrupter to get infrastructure and development projects moving, with significant benefits for New Zealand, says Straterra chief executive, Josie Vidal. “We see the Fast-track Approvals Bill as the ticket to this and our submission supports its intent, with some fine tuning,” Vidal says. “This bill is not pitting the environment against the economy. It is bringing...
The mining industry welcomes the Government’s announcement today that there will be law changes to align coal with other forms of mining, says Straterra chief executive, Josie Vidal. “The announcement by Resources Minister Shane Jones was music to our ears and a good sign the Government has been listening to reason from the mining industry,” Vidal says. “Straterra has been...
A West Coast geologist, an Auckland lab manager, and a kaiārahi and environmental compliance manager were celebrated as the stars of mining and quarrying at industry awards given out today in Hamilton. Celebrating diversity and inclusion, Straterra, AQA, and MinEx hosted the Komatsu Women in Extractives lunch and awards ceremony. Charlotte Buxton-Blue took out the MITO Emerging Star award for...
Red and green tape is strangling innovation in New Zealand and the mining industry welcomes the relief the Fast Track Approvals Bill, announced by the Government today, will bring, says Straterra chief executive, Josie Vidal. “On the West Coast, miners are waiting an average of 382 days to have their permits processed, and this is just one of the many...
Reducing red tape and allowing a “can do” approach to significant projects that boost New Zealand’s economy and create jobs is long overdue, says Straterra chief executive, Josie Vidal. “Straterra supports the principles of the Government’s proposed fast track and one stop shop bill,” Vidal says. “We believe this legislation will be important to mining sought-after mineral resources in New...
The new Government needs to understand the role of mined minerals, including coal, as it picks up the renewable energy mantle, says Straterra chief executive, Josie Vidal. “There will be no energy transition without minerals and we make that clear in our submission on Measures for transition to an expanded and highly renewable electricity system,” Vidal says. “We fully support...
The mining industry is calling on the next elected government to think smart, think big and think ahead when it comes to mining, says Straterra chief executive, Josie Vidal. Straterra has sent its election hopes in a brochure to 119 MPs, along with a cup that points to the mined minerals that are required for an electric car, asking them...
It is time for a strategic focus on what minerals we need for the future, and where we are going to get them from, says Straterra chief executive Josie Vidal. Parliament’s Environment Select Committee inquiry on seabed mining presents a valuable opportunity to understand the importance of minerals to society and the potential seabed mining has to offer New Zealand,...
Straterra welcomes Environment Minister David Parker’s announcement that he has asked Parliament’s Environment Select Committee to conduct an inquiry into seabed mining. "It is good to see that Minister Parker’s Government will not support a member’s bill from Debbie Ngarewa-Packer banning seabed mining without looking at all the facts and evidence first," says Straterra chief executive Josie Vidal. "We are...
Internationally recognised environmental work and an ability to roll up the sleeves and do any job, while mentoring others, were defining qualities of the winners of awards given out today in Christchurch by the extractives industry. Celebrating diversity and inclusion, Straterra, AQA and MinEx hosted their first Women in Extractives lunch and awards ceremony sponsored by Komatsu New Zealand. Stephanie...
The Government should promote New Zealand’s excellent mining industry, not scare off investors with anti-mining rhetoric, says Straterra CEO Josie Vidal. Straterra spoke to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select Committee at Parliament today in support of its submission on the Crown Minerals Amendment Bill. “We don’t support this Bill or its anti-mining tone. But if it proceeds, we want to...
The Government should bin proposed changes to the Crown Minerals Act as it jeopardises investment in mining, including in critical minerals needed to fuel a low emissions future, says Straterra CEO Josie Vidal. Straterra has made a submission on the Crown Minerals Amendment Bill which is up for debate by select committee as it makes its way into law. “Sustainable energy, infrastructure,...
Opening up New Zealand to offshore wind farms means attempts to ban seabed mining are dead in the water, says Straterra CEO Josie Vidal. Last week, Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods announced the Government is seeking public feedback on the development of offshore renewable energy infrastructure, such as wind farms. "Seabed mining is less invasive than a wind farm...
Politically motivated changes to regulations, made at the eleventh hour without consulting the public, iwi, and other affected parties, is a blindside, says Straterra CEO Josie Vidal. Environment Minister David Parker today released the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, with a surprise amendment (section 3:22 Natural inland wetlands, 1 (e)) to stop new coal mines from being established where there are...
Changes to the Crown Minerals Act, being introduced to Parliament under urgency today, send the wrong message, says Straterra CEO Josie Vidal. "Changing the purpose of the Act and removing the Government’s obligation to promote prospecting, exploration, and mining of Crown-owned minerals is at odds with what is happening globally," Vidal says. "The world needs more mining to meet climate...