We would like to thank MBIE for the opportunity to comment on the A Draft Minerals Strategy for New Zealand...

We welcome the opportunity to make this submission on the Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill (the bill).

We welcome the opportunity to make this brief submission on the Government’s proposals for the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) as...

We would like to thank the Climate Change Commission for the opportunity to make this submission on three consultation documents...

We would like to thank the Select Committee for the opportunity to make this brief submission on the Companies (Address...

We welcome the opportunity to make this submission on the Fast-track Approvals Bill. We wish to also take the opportunity...

We would like to thank the Future Proof Partnership for the opportunity to comment on the draft 2024 Waikato Future...

We welcome the opportunity to make this brief submission on the Gore Proposed District Plan (the Proposed Plan). Our submission...

We welcome the opportunity to comment on the Government ‘s consultation on advancing New Zealand’s energy transition and in particular...

We welcome the opportunity to make this brief submission on the Government’s consultation on exploring a biodiversity credit system, specifically...

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