Our submission focuses on those provisions of the plan related to mineral extraction and associated activities. Download the full submission...

We agree that the health of the land and wellbeing of people are closely interconnected and that New Zealand needs...

Straterra supports the Government’s steps for New Zealand to meet its obligations under the 2015 Paris Agreement. Our key concern...

Gore District Plan Review

September 2022

In general, we support the Draft District Plan which is generally supportive of mineral extraction. Our submission focusses on points...

We would like to thank the Waitaki District Council for the opportunity to comment on the Waitaki District Council Draft...

This submission is further to Straterra’s Stewardship Land Review March 2022 submission – which addresses the broader issues of the...

We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on the recommendations for the proposed changes to the wetland regulations and...

Straterra supports the intent of the Objective of the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity – Exposure draft, particularly noting...

Straterra submits on this consultation only in relation to the Conservation Act 1987 concessions regime, as it applies to minerals...

Our submission focuses on the crucial role minerals and extractive sector will play in strengthening our resilience to a changing...

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