We welcome the opportunity to make this submission on the Exposure Draft of the proposed Te Tai o Poutini Plan...

Straterra’s main interest in the stewardship land review is that mining’s right to apply for access to conservation land generally...

We wish to make this brief submission on the proposed amendments to the NES-DW (National Environmental Standard for Sources of...

Emissions Reduction Plan

November 2021

We support the recommendation to develop a national energy strategy which may find coal has a future to reduce overall...

Straterra supports and promotes industry compliance and acknowledges that more infringements are currently occurring than is desirable from the point...

Straterra welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Ministry for the Environment’s Managing our Wetlands Discussion Document.

We welcome the opportunity to comment on the Proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement. (pORPS).

Straterra supports the international imperative to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and New Zealand’s obligations under the 2015 Paris Agreement. Our...

We welcome the opportunity to submit on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment discussion document, Proposed Regulations to support...

We welcome the opportunity to comment on the Natural and Built Environments Bill, and the accompanying Parliamentary Paper.

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