
What’s yoursis mined

Mining in New Zealand is a small but significant industry with a lot of untapped potential, particularly as the world looks to mine more minerals to transition to renewable energy and to help solve climate change challenges.

Batteries, wind turbines and solar panels that are relied on to power vehicles and create renewable energy, exist because of mined minerals.

Food processing, health care, heating, travel, communication (including your phone and computer), work, and pretty much everything you use and rely on every day exist because of mined minerals.

Infrastructure, housing and modern life as we know it, are built on mining.

Some people are saying mining is bad for the environment. We believe in presenting facts, science, and evidence to let people make up their own minds.

Like much of what humans do, mining has an impact on the environment. But mining in New Zealand is heavily regulated to ensure environmental impacts are mitigated or offset. Mining companies in New Zealand care about the environment.

We have high standards of responsible mining, across workplace health and safety and environmental practices.


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Our News

  • Overseas investment changes welcome

    Straterra welcomes the Coalition Government’s proposed changes to the Overseas Investment Act, says chief executive [...]

  • Mining belongs on fast-track list

    Today’s release of the first projects for the fast-track list acknowledges the regional and national [...]

  • Valuable role of mining recognised

    Today’s release of the draft critical minerals list cements the valuable role of mining in [...]

  • Minerals strategy brimming with potential

    A government minerals strategy is a great first step to recognising and promoting the importance [...]

  • Bill fixes flaws in regulation

    A clumsy attempt to stop coal mining in the face of continuing demand should be [...]

  • Environment not threatened by fast-track bill

    The notion that the Fast-track Approvals Bill somehow paves the way to destroy the environment, [...]

  • $2 billion export goal for mining great news

    Doubling mining’s export value to $2 billion over the next 10 years is a great [...]

  • Disrupter fast-track bill long overdue

    It’s time for a disrupter to get infrastructure and development projects moving, with significant benefits [...]

  • Coal rule changes welcomed

    The mining industry welcomes the Government’s announcement today that there will be law changes to [...]

  • Awards recognise mining and quarrying stars

    A West Coast geologist, an Auckland lab manager, and a kaiārahi and environmental compliance manager [...]

  • Fast-track bill cuts red tape strangling innovation

    Red and green tape is strangling innovation in New Zealand and the mining industry welcomes [...]

  • Fast-track bill long overdue

    Reducing red tape and allowing a “can do” approach to significant projects that boost New [...]

  • Mining essential to renewable electricity

    The new Government needs to understand the role of mined minerals, including coal, as it [...]

  • Mining industry asks new government to think big

    The mining industry is calling on the next elected government to think smart, think big [...]

  • Strategic approach to mining essential

    It is time for a strategic focus on what minerals we need for the future, [...]

  • Discussion on seabed mining welcomed

    Straterra welcomes Environment Minister David Parker’s announcement that he has asked Parliament’s Environment Select Committee [...]

  • Awards recognise women in extractives

    Internationally recognised environmental work and an ability to roll up the sleeves and do [...]

  • Government should promote New Zealand’s excellent mining industry

    The Government should promote New Zealand’s excellent mining industry, not scare off investors with anti-mining [...]

  • Rushed law should be binned

    The Government should bin proposed changes to the Crown Minerals Act as it jeopardises investment [...]

  • Mining ban dead in the water

    Opening up New Zealand to offshore wind farms means attempts to ban seabed mining [...]

  • Mining blindsided by 11th hour regulation switch

    Politically motivated changes to regulations, made at the eleventh hour without consulting the public, iwi, [...]

  • Government sends wrong message with Bill changes

    Changes to the Crown Minerals Act, being introduced to Parliament under urgency today, send the [...]

Mining and
the environment

Mining in New Zealand meets strict environmental standards and regulations. People who work in the industry care about the environment and are committed to returning mine sites that are finished with are returned to a sustainable and functioning ecosystem with the right plants for the environment. Watch Steph Hayton explain the importance to her of good environmental work in mining.

Our submissions

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